All functions |
Permutation test for the derived scores of each sample |
Estimate the empirical p-values |
Get a list of stably expressed genes |
single-sample gene-set scoring method for multiple signatures |
Plot the score v.s. despersion for all samples |
Plot the empirically estimated null distribution and associated p-values |
Plot the densities of ranks for one sample |
Plot landscape of two gene signatures scores |
Project data on the landscape plot obtained from |
Rank genes by the gene expression intensities |
Pre-computed scores of the CCLE dataset against an epithelial gene signature |
Pre-computed scores of the CCLE dataset against a mesenchymal gene signature |
Pre-computed scores of the TCGA breast cancer gene expression matrix against an epithelial signature |
Pre-computed scores of the TCGA breast cancer gene expression matrix against a mesenchymal signature |
single-sample gene-set scoring method |
singscore: A package for deriving gene-set scores at a single sample level |
An example gene expression dataset |
Gene set of down-regulated genes for the TGFb-induced EMT gene signature |
Gene set of up-regulated genes for the TGFb-induced EMT gene signature |
A toy gene expression dataset of two samples |
A gene set object of down-regulated genes for the toy dataset |
A gene set object of up-regulated genes for the toy dataset |