With null distributions estimated using the generateNull() function, p-values are estimated using a one-tailed test. A minimum p-value of 1/B can be achieved with B permutations.

getPvals(permuteResult, scoredf, subSamples = NULL)



A matrix, null distributions for each sample generated using the generateNull() function


A dataframe, the scored results of samples under test generated using the simpleScore() function


A vector of sample labels/indices that will be used to subset the score matrix. All samples will be scored if not provided


Estimated p-values for enrichment of the signature in each sample. A p-value of 1/B indicates that the estimated p-value is less than or equal to 1/B.


ranked <- rankGenes(toy_expr_se)
scoredf <- simpleScore(ranked, upSet = toy_gs_up, downSet = toy_gs_dn)
# find out what backends can be registered on your machine
#> $MulticoreParam
#> class: MulticoreParam
#>   bpisup: FALSE; bpnworkers: 1; bptasks: 0; bpjobname: BPJOB
#>   bplog: FALSE; bpthreshold: INFO; bpstopOnError: TRUE
#>   bpRNGseed: 1; bptimeout: NA; bpprogressbar: FALSE
#>   bpexportglobals: TRUE; bpexportvariables: FALSE; bpforceGC: FALSE
#>   bpfallback: TRUE
#>   bplogdir: NA
#>   bpresultdir: NA
#>   cluster type: FORK
#> $SnowParam
#> class: SnowParam
#>   bpisup: FALSE; bpnworkers: 4; bptasks: 0; bpjobname: BPJOB
#>   bplog: FALSE; bpthreshold: INFO; bpstopOnError: TRUE
#>   bpRNGseed: ; bptimeout: NA; bpprogressbar: FALSE
#>   bpexportglobals: TRUE; bpexportvariables: TRUE; bpforceGC: FALSE
#>   bpfallback: TRUE
#>   bplogdir: NA
#>   bpresultdir: NA
#>   cluster type: SOCK
#> $SerialParam
#> class: SerialParam
#>   bpisup: FALSE; bpnworkers: 1; bptasks: 0; bpjobname: BPJOB
#>   bplog: FALSE; bpthreshold: INFO; bpstopOnError: TRUE
#>   bpRNGseed: ; bptimeout: NA; bpprogressbar: FALSE
#>   bpexportglobals: FALSE; bpexportvariables: FALSE; bpforceGC: FALSE
#>   bpfallback: FALSE
#>   bplogdir: NA
#>   bpresultdir: NA
# the first one is the default backend, and it can be changed explicitly.
# See vignette for more details
permuteResult = generateNull(upSet = toy_gs_up, downSet = toy_gs_dn, ranked,
B =10, seed = 1, useBPPARAM = NULL)

# call the permutation function to generate the empirical scores
# for B times.
pvals <- getPvals(permuteResult,scoredf)