All functions |
Add QC statistics to the Spatial Experiment object |
Calculate statistics for evaluating batch correction |
Compute and plot the results of a PCA analysis on gene expression data |
Testing multiple K for RUV4 batch correction to find the best K. |
Get negative control genes from each batch of the data |
Batch correction for GeoMX data |
Perform normalization to GeoMX data |
Compare and evaluate different batch corrected data with plotting. |
Compute and plot the results of any dimension reduction methods on gene expression data |
Plot gene-wise QC plot |
Compute and plot the results of a MDS analysis on gene expression data |
Plot PCA bi plot |
Plot pair-wise PCA plots for multiple dimensions |
Compute and plot relative log expression (RLE) values of gene expression data |
Plot Sample-wise QC plot |
Plot the user-defined meta data using alluvium plot |
Plot the PCA scree plot. |
Import GeoMX DSP data into a saptial experiment object from file paths |
Import GeoMX DSP data into a spatial experiment object from DGEList object |