Plot the PCA scree plot.
dims = ncol(spe_object),
precomputed = NULL,
assay = 1,
bar_color = "black",
bar_fill = "royalblue",
bar_width = 0.8,
point_col = "tomato3",
line_col = "tomato3",
point_size = 2
A SpatialExperiment object.
The top n dimensions to be plotted
a dimensional reduction results from stats::prcomp
result in reducedDims(object)
to plot. Default is NULL,
we will compute for you.
a numeric or character, specifying the assay to use (for
and its derivative classes).
Color for bar.
Fill for bar.
Bar width.
Color for point.
Color for line.
Point size.
A ggplot object.
plotScreePCA(dkd_spe_subset, dims = 10)