Extract markers for subsets matched to the given pattern from LM7/LM22, and save the matched genes in 'GeneSet' class object, if both pattern are provided, the output would be a 'GeneSetCollection' class object with setName: LM7, LM22.

get_lm_sig(lm7.pattern, lm22.pattern, ...)



character string containing a regular expression, to be matched in the given subsets in LM7


character string containing a regular expression, to be matched in the given subsets in LM22


params for function grep()


A GeneSet or GeneSetCollection for matched subsets in LM7 and/or LM22


data("lm7", "lm22")
get_lm_sig(lm7.pattern = "NK", lm22.pattern = "NK cells")
#> GeneSetCollection
#>   names: LM7, LM22 (2 total)
#>   unique identifiers: CD244, FASLG, ..., ZNF135 (92 total)
#>   types in collection:
#>     geneIdType: SymbolIdentifier (1 total)
#>     collectionType: NullCollection (1 total)