labeled inverse average expression: relative frequency

iae_rf(expr, features = NULL, label, multi = TRUE, thres = 0)



a matrix, features in row and cells in column


vector, feature names or indexes to compute


vector, group label of each cell


logical, if to compute based on binary (FALSE) or multi-class (TRUE)


numeric, cell only counts when expr > threshold, default 0


a matrix of inverse average expression score


$$\mathbf{IAE} = log(1+\frac{mean(N_{i,j\in D})}{max(mean(N_{i,j\in \hat D}))+ e^{-8}})$$ where \(N_{i,j\in D}\) is the counts of feature \(i\) in cell \(j\) within class \(D\), and \(\hat D\) is the class except \(D\).


data <- matrix(rpois(100, 2), 10, dimnames = list(1:10))
smartid:::iae_rf(data, label = sample(c("A", "B"), 10, replace = TRUE))
#>            B         B         A         B         A         B         A
#> 1  0.6418539 0.6418539 0.7472144 0.6418539 0.7472144 0.6418539 0.7472144
#> 2  0.9162907 0.9162907 0.5108256 0.9162907 0.5108256 0.9162907 0.5108256
#> 3  0.5260931 0.5260931 0.8938179 0.5260931 0.8938179 0.5260931 0.8938179
#> 4  1.0414539 1.0414539 0.4353181 1.0414539 0.4353181 1.0414539 0.4353181
#> 5  0.6190392 0.6190392 0.7731899 0.6190392 0.7731899 0.6190392 0.7731899
#> 6  0.8109302 0.8109302 0.5877867 0.8109302 0.5877867 0.8109302 0.5877867
#> 7  0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472
#> 8  0.5596158 0.5596158 0.8472979 0.5596158 0.8472979 0.5596158 0.8472979
#> 9  0.3429447 0.3429447 1.2367626 0.3429447 1.2367626 0.3429447 1.2367626
#> 10 0.5877867 0.5877867 0.8109302 0.5877867 0.8109302 0.5877867 0.8109302
#>            A         A         A
#> 1  0.7472144 0.7472144 0.7472144
#> 2  0.5108256 0.5108256 0.5108256
#> 3  0.8938179 0.8938179 0.8938179
#> 4  0.4353181 0.4353181 0.4353181
#> 5  0.7731899 0.7731899 0.7731899
#> 6  0.5877867 0.5877867 0.5877867
#> 7  0.6931472 0.6931472 0.6931472
#> 8  0.8472979 0.8472979 0.8472979
#> 9  1.2367626 1.2367626 1.2367626
#> 10 0.8109302 0.8109302 0.8109302