Quantify the performance of a differential co-expression pipeline on simulated data.
truth.type = c("association", "influence", "direct"),
perf.method = "f.measure",
combine = TRUE,
a list, storing data and results generated from simulations
a list of igraphs, produced using dcPipeline
a character, specifying which level of the true network to retrieve: 'association' (default), 'influence' or 'direct'
a character, specifying the method to use. Available
methods can be accessed using perfMethods
a logical, indicating whether differential networks from
independent knock-outs should be treated as a single inference or
independent inferences (defaults to TRUE
additional parameters to be passed on to the performance metric
method (see performanceMeasure
a numeric, representing the performance metric. A single value if
combine = TRUE
and a named vector otherwise.
#run a standard pipeline
resStd <- dcPipeline(sim102, dc.func = 'zscore')
dcEvaluate(sim102, resStd)
#> [1] 0.5625966
dcEvaluate(sim102, resStd, combine = FALSE)
#> ADR1 UME6
#> 0.7228916 0.3936508